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29 April 2009


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Paul Anderson

Tanzania's 2015 Union Day celebrations are on 26 April and all this week there have been up to 6 Chengdu J7's flying practice formation flying low over Dar es Salaam - No Mig 19's though. The J7's are painted a light blue-grey color.


more african fighters and topics


Thats some fab pics right there, Ben. Allways loved MiG-19s and theese are about the best pics I've seen of -not only runing, but still serviceing- individuals lately. Thanks a lot for posting..


Arnold ten Pas

Dear Ben,

I just stumbled upon your pcitures of the Tanzanian AF F-6 aircraft. Just amazing! These aircraft were believed to be out of service for years but apparantly classic engineering never dies..:-)

As I am an editor of Scramble Magazine ( I have a special interest in these aircraft. Our aircraft is being made by volunteers but has a high standard of aviation news, both military and civil.

I have some questions regarding these aircraft:

- Can you read the serialnumber of the aircraft in the first picture?
- If possible, could we use one or two pictures of the aircraft in our magazine? We will not be able to pay for them as we are a magazine made by volunteers, but we hope that you can send us 1 or 2 pictures as we are very excited about seeing the F-6 and FT-6 (the white trainer) in operation.


Arnold ten Pas
Scramble Magazine

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