I know the general mood might be the opposite these months …but what can I say? I sold another picture last week, a magazine has urgently asked to publish my pictures of the volcano Lengai again. That is some the ones I’ve posted a few days ago. Even though this is for scientific purpose, and so no profit is to be made, it is still a great joy to see my pictures published. And nevertheless I’ve wasted my Sunday yesterday because of the flight cancelation, I am now home to prepare these 6 pictures.
scientists have answered my questions. I was puzzled by the ash layers being so bright and clean, devoid of any vegetation. It had happened last year that ash would be recovered by grass within a few days after the rains. But nowadays, we are talking about an old layer that got compacted by it own weight, that got thicker and undisturbed by rains for a long time. So vegetation has no easy time to grow through. It will take some years to disappear and prevent people to graze their cows. I need to take some days off there with Karine. Camping is gorgeous in this area. No chance to climb the volcano though. It looks like nobody has been able to climb in lately…
and life at time of the picture looked good for these people too, though it probably ain’t easy every day…
old Masai, Njurlan, lake Natron. “Nobody enjoys life more than an old man” I read once.
when I have a flat tyre, I’m not that happy usually…Chem Chem, near lake Eyasi.

the lady was proud to show me her decorated hut…this kind of wall paper is common here though the style might vary. Here it looks like she glued on any kind of newspapers she could grab. But young girls or women closer to modern towns would choose nice pictures about glamorous models, fashion adverts on jewels, haircuts, dresses…and hardly one square inch would be left untouched.
still Chem Chem, which means fountain, another woman who was so pleased I chose to shoot her. And not the jealous neighbors. Maybe she’ll become known as “one the few where the white man stopped”…
I’m trying to imagine a remote village in Belgium, you know where not much happens, and to be sure that nothing that might happen will be missed, old ladies stay all day long at the doorstep or behind the window scanning the street. You get it? Sure any country is affected by this kind of natural born spy-gossiper. Well imagine if a Masai were to stop at such a place and visit one household. Guaranteed the story will last for ever with referenceq like : “the year the Masai visited the village”, “it was when the Masai visited my house (and incidentally not yours, you jealous cow)”… I know, I’ve lived in such a village as a teen. There was that sweet old lady who never understood how I could see and waved at her through the curtain. I knew she was always there hiding, spying, criticizing, taking notes. She even had the pisspot nearby I guess so to miss nothing. I took great joy to wave at her though I couldn’t see her, to make her believe she was not so hidden. She never understood the whole village knew she was spying. She was probably the one who reported me whenever I brought girls home. Shocking! Nothing ever happens in those villages…I had joined the Air Force and my father became known as the guy whose son is a pilot (nevertheless I wouldn’t start flying for more than year).
And funny enough, a Tanzanian woman only gets a respectful status when she finally gives birth to a child, preferably a son. And then, in some tribes, she will be only referred as the mother of …whatever the baby’s name is! Weird huh?

water…priceless to make your day. 20 lt bucket…that is 20 kg! Loliondo, northern Serengeti.
lucky village with a decent water pump.

grocery’s in lake Natron area.
and more smiles in Zanzibar below, 2 sisters and Spiderman.

life is good for this happy couple…but the driver might think he’d be better be off somewhere else. NYC.