Just being moody today. My scanner is collapsing slowly but surely …again! No explanation given, or the wrong ones of courses, by the fucking programs. At least Nikon fixes its stuff for many years after production, as opposed to Canon. Just the problem to bring the gear to Europe…When it’s not the scanner, it’s the printer, or Karine’s scanner (after 40 films! and no way to replace the part, thanks Epson), or both our computers, etc. Everybody knows the feeling of course.
what bothers me more than this personal issue is that that crap technology winds up in aircraft for instance. I thought safety was the key word…Then surprise: one Airbus falls in the Atlantic after all the systems had shut down one after each other. Maybe, I insist maybe (before Airbus sues my ass), it’s not a computer issue but it is very suspicious again. Shit I start to look like a conspiracy theory idiot. How many passengers they advertise for the new double-deck monster? Up to 800…? Maybe that concept should have been left to the London double-deck bus….
The previous flying company I was flying for had their brand new plane, while being ferried here, fly and turn twice back to the US for instrument repairs (that is not steam-driven instruments I’m talking about of course). Twice!! Mind you, the smart engineers trust their crap so much (but probably don’t fly that very often?) that they clog 10 or more digital instruments (that used to be analog) in one giant screen. Ah it looks great, luminous, colorful and does-everything-for-you-but-coffee, but when one bug gets in, well you just lose 10 instruments at once. A dream. Luckily, some grumpy pessimistic guys like me, you know the kind who wanted a parachute after the airplane concept was invented, decided to stay on the safe side and made compulsory a set of old analog instruments on board, microscopic in size and poorly located of course. They must have been arm-wrestling for that. I love these guys.
some people will say that airplanes, for instance, have never been safer. Yes, that’s true, but don’t give all credit on computers and electronic. Researches have been done on engines and alloys as well. Still luckily for the cavemen, and for us subsequently, that their spears and clubs were plain reliable.
I wonder when and where quality stopped to be an issue, and more, when the consequences, read costs usually, were often left smartly to the customers.
No wonder some people are reluctant to buy the newest toy (to stay polite) every 6 months, or worse go back for an old sturdy proven Rolleiflex for instance.
sorry for this moody post but I had to vent it. Maybe I’ll read this again in 40 years, if a workable and compatible device is available of course. I’ll probably think the situation will have gone worse by then anyway, stuck on an all automated broken down wheel-chair and with a cold hotline. Or if the hotline works, the human assistant will have been replaced by a Made in France computerized machine which will be on strike...