little anecdote in Tanzania, sad one. Karine uses everyday a paying parking lot near her office, supposedly safer than the street parking but that’s not the point today. Anyway the point is that today she handed the due sum to the parking attendant and she was waved off because the pen didn’t work so no ticket could be issued. As usual, other people were hanging around that attendant, 3 in this case. What for as it is the most basic work in the world? Dunno but it is another common scene in Africa: one employee surrounded by friends or relatives or whatever to slow down any action potentially going on. So back in the parking booth, 4 of them, supposedly 4 brains, not one able to find a spare pen…ughh.
anyway, back in Lira, Uganda:
the infamous Lord’s Resistance Army, the LRA, led by another madman since 1987, one who talks to God for a change. En français il s’agit de l’Armée de Résistance du Seigneur. In term of resistance, these so-called rebels don’t resist anything of their lowest bad instincts. They kill by dozens whenever they raid a village or a refugee camp. They torture, mutilate, chop limbs like legs, nose, ears, lips…They rape any age female victim they find. They abduct young girls for sexual slavery,abduct children as little as 5 year old for soldiers…all under the Lord’s name. Christianity has had its moments all across History I’d say. The Crusades, the Inquisition, the Irish conflict…all noticeable with some horror in their going. The LRA has been classified as terrorist organisation, no wonder. Now it has been pushed in some remote corners towards neighboring Congo and Sudan but it is still to count with unfortunately. Lira is safe now.
Uganda hasn’t been that lucky lately. Obote before and after Idi Amin with 400.000 victims, Idi Amin with 300.000 victims, LRA with 1000’s and still counting.
the army sign near the barracks, next door to the airfield.
I found Uganda streets and the rest cleaner, at least in my little experience in Uganda, than in Tanzania. I had noticed the parking lot around the aircraft very clean as usual when I arrived. When I came back I couldn’t fail to notice a used condom in the grass a few meters away. Now the plane had been under surveillance permanently during our stay. The soldiers even stay, eat, sleep(and shag apparently) under the aircraft wing. At least whichever watchman involved did it protected. But African watchmen are really good at one thing, that is sleep. Sorry if it is not politically correct to say so but it is an undisputed fact. And I bet they sleep even harder after sex…
here is one of the watchmen, was he our shagger, no clue. But he was very nice and conciliatory: he let my passengers play with his Kalashnikov, let them pose for pictures! Either way is not positive: no bullet in the weapon and he is next to useless in his job but still he shouldn’t give away his weapon or there were bullets and it gets even worse and scary.
a close up of the famous Kalashnikov AK 47, with the handle folded through the clipper, produced at more than 100 million units. A real success. Mr Kalashnikov has been named an official hero in USSR by then.
another armed guard who doesn’t take his job that seriously with a lady to keep him company.
since we have only one engine and no life jackets so far, we have to follow the shoreline of lake Victoria between Entebbe and Mwanza, where we have to stop for fuel and immigration, Well at least to keep the shoreline in sight and gliding distance should the engine fail. Clouds can be interesting I think.
Mwanza, a large town on the SE of lake Victoria, the 2nd or 3rd town (or “city” as authorities like to brag) in the country. Nothing special to it. There was the interesting and shocking documentary movie “Darwin’s nightmare” about it, weapons and other goodies smuggling, Russian airplanes, prostitution, poverty…all the items for a good Hollywood movie.
the disused Mig 21’s at the end of the runway. They crashed a coupla times too many and haven’t flown since the 80’s. Supposedly a “new” batch of them has arrived in crates in Aug.