Wasso village, hamlet of Loliondo. if i come back early from the flying clinics, usually take a stroll in the village nearby. I like it for its colors and for its diversity of activity and people.
Maasai people come there for shopping or selling before heading back to the remote bush. Notice the satellite dish, spreading fast everywhere. Sad fact…?
notice these Maasai ladies with their shopping bags carried in a peculiar way, not on top of the head as it is very common in Tanzania but by a strap across the forehead.
the lady in the shade is a tailor, working on a typical old vintage Singer or copy sewing machine.
whoever invented card games can be proud of its widespread achievement (as soccer by the way)
an old trailer modified to a shop. Unusual, I remember only one other example in South Africa, a barber’s…
my guessing here but this is a Maasai man, wealthy and western educated, they spoke Maasai together. Either discussing the possibility of hitch hiking or supplies transport, though maybe just exchanging family news. They shook hands and he jumped in his good looking Land Rover and headed off. Those thick white bags are to be seen all over. 25 or 50 kg of rice, flour or sugar
a glimpse of the hospital, well hidden in a forest at the foot of a big hill.
some weird looking plants on the way.