I just came back yesterday from another Flying Medical Service outreach tour in Loliondo and lake Natron areas. 12 clinics to perform in 3 days. I’ve lost track of how many of those medical clinics I’ve attended over the years but I still love the various feelings to be out there.
even though I had a bloody puncture at a great location, Ololosokwan where I was to meet the jumping Maasai warriors for more pictures and a video, I still prefer some bad time in the bush than no bush at all. Nevertheless I had to fix that puncture for 2 hours I managed to take a few pictures and videos while the glue was drying on the tube. I’ll edit the video tonight and post it soon. Nothing to compete with Nat’l Geographic documentaries of course but entertaining enough.
even though we fly there to help people in medical need, this time we only brought some light patients to the hospital. Nobody dying, which allows me to say I had a superb time out there without guilt. As I said before I’m not a saint nevertheless I’m a volunteer so I see no problem to have fun at the same time. The video below in a steep gorge proves my point, heehee. Even the medical staff gets to enjoy such a flight.
the weather and the visibility were excellent on Friday and I‘m quite pleased of other videos over lake Natron. The red tones and white salt lines were finally back and all explode on the film. I just can’t have enough of that place. That colorful area with incredible mountains and cliffs in the background is always surprising and different. More editing to come.
I also shot a few films with a vintage camera for a different style of pictures where I have to rewind the film, focus, choose other settings with various knobs, frame and finally click if my subject hasn’t moved too much. I took time to walk in a Maasai village under scorching heat, greet some people. There were those little boys, less than 10 years old, in charge of dozens of cows or goats walking long distances to find fresh grass or water. One warrior took my camera to shoot his friends with limited results of course: he had never held a camera in his life. We flew in other gorges, over a wet delta, overflew wildebeests, zebras and ostriches and of course, flamingoes. Cherry on the pie the flamingoes were nesting. White eggs were clearly visible in the grey nest but young dark grey chicks were already walking along their parents. What a treat!
we got caught, while having lunch under the aircraft wing, in a dust devil or a mini twister that blew our plates and glasses away. At the same time, we felt like hundreds of needles were stinging us, like sandblasted. Then we finished our lunch with gritting sand in the food…
on the western shore of lake Natron, Tanzania, runs a steep 2000 ft high cliff.
One of the gorges in that area is near Pininyi, a remote maasai village.
See this video to enjoy some steep turns, people along the river, and spectacular scenery. Personally, I still love every second of such a flight."