Flying Medical Service is the non governmental organization I’m flying for right now, operating from Arusha airport. Below are some old pictures on film done in my previous bout of flying for FMS between 1999 to 2002.
typical vaccination and baby crying.
Maasai mother attending a clinic with her baby.
but life goes by in the village while the clinics go on.
proud Maasai warrior.
doctor and patient under the tree.
another Maasai warrior. Weapons are part of their daily outfit.
western clothes creep in unfortunately. Hot weather, what is the point to dress up a kid like that? They get all sweaty and hot…well at least they’re knocked down and stay quiet usually. Which is quite valuable when a clinic can get attract dozens of mothers and babies. Here the mother asked me a portrait and set up a large piece of cloth on the ground.
Maasai girl.