probably my best or clear view of lake Natron. Last week that day was just exceptionally clear, such a perfect visibility is quite rare. On one picture, looking to the east and south: Mt Gelai on the left, volcano Lengai on the right, and behind lies volcano Kerimasi and the tip of Ngorongoro northern Highlands. I’m shooting from the NW part of the lake, that is overhead Oldonyo Sambu and the western cliff.
I swapped lens to get Lengai closer. A slight amount of haze and dust still hampers the view…
vertical view.
a village at the foot of volcano Shombole on the northern shoreline.
then an airstrip lies next to it, Olorbelin, where Flying Medical Service operates one of its numerous clinics with a Cessna 206.
Olorbelin is Masai country.
near Shombole a river delta offers a paradise for animals in the normally hot and harsh environment that the lake usually offers.
receding and evaporating waters leaving ‘parallel’ marks.
McMinus heard of those glass floors on high towers where one can get a thrill by walking on ‘nothing’ and he wanted to share the experience by leaning against the dipping windshield. He’ll be even braver later. To be continued.