Every 2 weeks on a rotation basis, Flying Medical Service sends a Cessna 206 with a doctor, 2 nurses and some medical supplies to about 30 remote villages, mostly Masai. This one, Engoveroni, is spreading around a few of those ridges. One of those ridges, see yesterday post, welcomes the airstrip.
This is the medical hut, a luxury as not all the villages have provided us with one. Personally I prefer to help out the nurses while out of such a hut, enjoying the sun and cool air at 2000m.
Nice vista on the volcano Lengai.
A rare secondary school in the remote bush.
Cattle! A Masai man is nothing without his cattle. That and many wives of course. Here is the main street in the village.
Ridges and gullies all the way till the horizon. Quite a mission to visit a neighbor in that area!
That airstrip is everything but a textbook airstrip. A steep and slanted slope amongst many peculiarities. Here the doctor and a patient under the wing while the mothers and kids are being vaccinated in the hut.
The funny aspect of this very picture is due to a very old camera, technology from the 30's. All the pictures above were shot with various cameras anyway, film and digital.
vraiment passionnant !
Posted by: Marie-Rose | 25 August 2012 at 10:19 PM