it is always fascinating to observe the drastic changes in one country between dry and wet seasons.
This place, Olorbelin, is located on salt lake Natron, very often described as a harsh and most unhospitable place. Yet no one would guess that in the wet season. This greenery won’t last very long of course but t is very impressive in the meantime.
Monik, another village around the lake, fares a bit better because there is a spring nearby but this rocky river bed is usually dry. Here a truck got tuck.
various muds mixing in a delta.
dry rocky river bed usually.
some light rains coming.
some weather over the Gol mountains. Pilots normally fly higher except Flying Medical Service because we have a few airstrips located in these very mountains. It can be challenging to land on those sometimes.
flooded swamp.
interesting mix of salts and mud on lake Natron.
lake Natron, mud brought by flowing rivers.
momentarily flooded area.