Mt Meru, the 15.000 foot mountain next door to Arusha…it was an extinct volcano till a Belgian scientist declared last month that the whole area was at risk by an awakening of the volcano. Without notice. The last eruption was ten times bigger than Mt Saint Helens in 1980, 1500 times bigger than the Hiroshima bomb…ah well.
in the meantime let’s enjoy life and have a little camping weekend around this beautiful mountain. My good old Land Rover felt itchy, and me too so here we are on the northern side looking for a lunch spot a little bit off road.
quite a vista while lunching, right?
this was the lovely dirt track to follow soon.
a bee eater on an aptly named candelabra tree was eyeing my left overs. If I were to be a bird, this one would rank high on my list: they are swift and extremely agile, performing aerobatics maneuvers while catching bees. I observe them regularly from my front porch.
here is such a tee in its typical glory. It’s a real poor choice for wood fire …
about the road sign the marketing is be revised for that otherwise decent camp site. I did stop for a quick survey just in case. I cut my visit short when I realised there was a group of 8 Belgian tourists. I don’t mind to meet my countrymen but I hate to repeat my story to people who feel we have a link because of the nationality. I even lie to my passengers claiming to be French to cut short the enthusiasm…
and this was my spot for the night. Roof tent opened like a book, quite away from any village and various nuisance.