May 2004, I had taken my brand new Leica for a walk. Since my skills in Burmese are pretty limited I had no idea the water festival was going on full blast. Everybody being cheerful I was a prime target, I was the only tourist in the crowd apparently. Don’t think being wet will calm people. No they keep on throwing water at each other all day long. The vehicles here just queue in front of hose stands, and as if the hoses were not enough, bystanders give a help too. Look at the woman in the forefront, she seems dedicated. Great day in the end. I bet the people are releasing a year of frustration under the dictatorship.
Yes, in Rangoon some youngsters get the western influence.
I didn’t find Burmese food appetizing. At all. I was glad there were Indian and Chinese communities around.
Leica M6 and various B/W films.