Christmas in a military camp. Refugees had escaped their ransacked village, courtesy of the rebels, and found shelter in this camp. Not that the regular soldiers are any better, it is all about tribalism, that scourge of the continent, sadly. Meanwhile we heard bullets flying around the camp. I was assured we were safe for the meeting and party duration…cool then.
Stunning girl coming back to visit the family in the bush. Many gifts from the city will require 2 taxi bikes.
Hass…somebody hasn’t done some basic marketing…
Wounded soldier. I was wondering if I was rescuing a dangerous criminal or a decent guy caught up in a civil war he maybe didn’t want.
Temporary feeding station in Pibor.
The Russian cargo airplanes always bring people, refugees or not, back to Juba. Cargo planes mean no seats, so the passengers just sit on the bare floor. Not a big deal, pilots and other greasers get richer. It could become a big deal if the people slide back and tilt the aircraft on its tail. Deadly crashes have happened for that reason. I was quite nervous myself when I did that myself with refugees. My climb was very slow to keep the plane in a flat attitude. And I realised it is quite a good thing to have carpeted floor. Metallic floors are easy to clean but slippery…
Mobile control tower, convenient contraption once a war zone has been temporarily/partially pacified.
The notorious Iliyushin 76. Stolen picture as paranoia with psychopathic behaviour doesn’t make a pleasant match amongst the soldiers and various officials, low ranking or not.