Things are not that different from Tanzania in the end. Just details here and there. For instance those Hel's Angels are more numerous, faster too (yes yes) than in Tanzania.
School kids wear uniforms too.
Pavements...equally a gymkhana concept to enjoy here too...
Just off Entebbe airport there is a beach called Aerobeach. I just couldn't believe my eyes when I reached the place as 15 or more wrecks and relics litter the place, including 2 airliners. This is a Mig 21 Fishbed, Russian make from the 50's. The memorialstatue is of the late Yonathan Netanyahu, brother of the actual Israeli prime sinister. He died in the famous 1976 raid in Entebbe to sort out a highjack situation.
A typical scene in any street in any town or city.
Hats off to African girls who love to be fashionistas where road conditions don't really encourage this trend.
This big bike is a serious change from the usual little 125cc made in China or India, equally reviled by owners and users
The business woman, 3 phones and a charger...
How to decorate a coach ...come and nose around in Africa.