Kikubo, central Kampala, closed to regular circulation, even to cows. Most of the retailers operate here.
The banana seller is the attraction on the picture but notice the orange hat. Isn't that an old-fashioned hat from the roaring 20's? Yet I have seen quite a few of them here in Uganda only, different colors and patterns. Still very stylish on African women l'd say.
On top of the chaotic atmosphere in the bazaar, the show is also about fashion. Bras for sale...and those ladies know a few things, whether l can appreciate or not.
My big problem these days are slippers or sandals with furry decorations and to add insult...socks!
I'm told I cannot understand fashion...
At least this elegant woman fits some of my fashion standards.
Items are stacked beyond belief, no space must wasted.
Even stairs are rented to lower class business people.
And the street itself can be squatted. These entrepreneurs just have to be ready to lift up aside the goodies on a tarpaulin or small table when a deliver van shows up.
Traditional brooms and cool sport hat on the lady in red. "Venezia". Another long trip for a garment. I have spotted a t-shirt once belonging my Belgian bank.
No idea what this is..