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“Stop noise, work hard, pray hard” and “Taylor gang”? Sometimes these slogans don’t make too much sense. A religious and silent gang? Sure…
My enemies in African towns. The public minibus driver and the tracker don’t care about other road users, they think the road and the surroundings belong to them. My radar is always finely tuned when I come close.
Helmets are to be discarded after the 1st shock….let’s admire the nice crack on this silver one. Well, baby steps I guess. For years, there were no helmets at all. Then Chinese crap appeared in a shy manner, that is they could be seen anywhere on the motorbike but on heads. Now they are most likely worn on heads but some riders or passengers are still reluctant, especially women with complex or voluminous hairdos.
Artsy way to wear a veil and stunning face I’d say…