some scenes in Arusha….
condom ad showing a healthy and rich couple…facing a destitute man.
some years, the decision was made, and budget found, to paint Arusha in bright colors. Not only once and then wait for decay but painting is remade on a regular basis. Good decision as the buildings used to be Stalinist-era grey, very dull and depressing. One might not like peach or raspberry or yellow colors but it really gives a sunshine touch to the streets. And the numerous (too numerous) ads concur in that color mode.
foreign city or country names are really popular amongst pub owners…misspellings are popular too.
unfortunately the paint quality is crap and it peels off quickly…
isn’t that depressing? One hires a watchman and what does he do beside sleeping? Bring his friends around and chat up, AND sits with his back towards the street, as we all know the best way to spot potential danger….
one of the 2 international schools, proudly showing off its US style school buses.
nothing oriental in those carpets: they’re made of plastic thread or beads.
taxi drivers having fun. I'm getting some experience at driving and shooting at the same time.