Small airplanes tend to be crippled after a puncture, they don’t have multiple wheels…so I needed a tow machine.

elephants crossing an airstrip. Sometimes it happens while on landing or take off but they are slow and big so hitting one with the plane is pretty unheard of. Whereas zebras, buffaloes, gazelles, giraffes…are most commonly responsible for accidents.

Masai men enjoying some shade. This picture shot with the incredible Rolleiflex camera.

A storm was just making the airstrip quite wet. I had just landed (too bad I couldn’t film myself) so I quickly jumped out of the airplane and got ready to shoot the next ones.

A hot balloon in the Serengeti.

Arusha with a poorly maintained runway and taxiway some years ago. In turn the turbine engines could swallow some dust.

A BN2 just crashed after its 2 engines stopped together (!). Nice job from the pilot who put the plane down nicely.

The Navajo I used to fly some years back., Mt Meru, Arusha.

Sad sighting, a wrecked rotting DC3 in Nairobi. That’s no way to treat such an old lady.

on take off while I was a passenger.