these pictures are all fresh from the last days. Lake Natron, northern Tanzania, was rich in colors, salt patterns and shapes. And in Flamingos of course. They had been nesting a few months ago. Now the chicks can fly.
First flight of the day over the lake, I stayed a bit high and far. The flamingos are thus not that scared but they gather together, leaving those blue grey footprints in the salted mud.
On a second flight I brought the Cessna 206 a bit lower and they start to take off. Now I get to anticipate their direction, their sudden turns altogether, and I have to bank more or less steeply, either to turn or to point the camera more vertically. Notice the smaller birds on this shot which are not flamingos but other stilt birds like avocets, lapwings…
OK I was not flying that close and shooting at the same time. These are just big picture cropping. These are not waves but water ripples due to the 1000’s of legs beating the water surface on take off.
Steep turns and the shadows are at nearly 90 degrees off, they seem at odd with the birds.
On take off. Once again, notice the shadow and reflection at the same time.
Near perfect reflections on this bit of water. Interesting lake as the water surface and colors change every 5 minutes.