Red Cross, World Food Program, Médecins Sans Frontières…quite a few humanitarian organisations are operating from Juba airport. This is a Caravan 208, the same model I fly on here in Juba.
The White Nile and its smaller meanders, ponds and various waterways. I wonder how fishermen find their way in there. I learnt that the Blue Nile from Ethiopia provides 95% of water and sediments to the Nile. No wonder the Egyptians squeal when they hear the word "dam" in Ethiopia. I had been wondering what kind of river this White Nile was. It never looks great in tern of water flow.
Some Russian mechanics used our airplane to salvage spare parts from an Antonov 26 in Lokichoggio. Here is a turbine exhaust pipe. The scary part was that the airplane and the dismounted engines had been exposed to the elements for years and these guys were planning to reuse the engines…
Some stickers need replacements…
The White Nile, this picture sums up pretty well the South Sudanese landscape along the Nile…
Rubkona, a HS 748 crashed on landing, pretty badly. One crew died, another one hasn’t fully recovered.
Nobody bothered to clean up the scattered bits.
Juba airport, some Ilyushin 76’s, noisy overloaded monsters.