a Flying Medical Service mobile clinic in the Rift valley. Trees are rare in this place so either the nurse hangs the scale on the hut either on the wing hook like here.
the sun is quite harsh on lake Natron. So umbrellas made in China became popular as soon as they appeared some years ago.
Stunning vista covering most of lake Natron. There are about early 10 airstrips around and none of them is registered so no commercial flight brings tourists here.
a crazy sloped airstrip located on a ridge.
same place in he Ngorongoro area, different season.
after a violent downpour the airstrip gets flooded. The take off was interesting
yup the airstrip lies in there, picture shot just after take off.
or here, that is the thin shiny strip. We didn’t land that day. We know this soil here is really soft. We learnt it the hard way: 2 of our aeroplanes sank in on landing and hit the propeller.