More of my US car plates series. More of mottos, state nicknames, landscape backgrounds, colors and details.

A brave French family visiting America, and worse, Texas!!! I wonder how many times they had unpleasant encounters with the usual idiots, you know the kind to rename French fries into freedom fries, to insult or ban anything French. All of that because the French government didn’t support the American brass and told them not to go to Iraq and risk hugs losses for little gains. Again... Same stuff for Vietnam remember… they didn’t listen there neither.
Oh, and I’m not French by the way. So if someone sends me flak, spare me the usual crap on that.

not a firefighter truck but a private firefighter’s car.

I’m a bit surprised by the Alaskan plates. I saw only 2 and both only mentioned the state birthday…out of a such a magnificent state, sure there was more to find to show off on a car plate… Funny how the yellow stars on a blue background seem very similar to the European flag.
I had once a Missouri plate, when I bought a car in '97 to tour America for 6 weeks but there was a lot more colors on it.

This plate is one of the simplest I’ve spotted but still more interesting than the dull Belgian type.