We had come with VIP’s hence the heavy security on landing in Ayod. The rebels are really close, we flew avoiding some corners of the airstrip, a man died nearby last week….
But this is Christmas and people around camp decided to forget the daily suffering and danced with gusto, civilians and soldiers all together. The women seemed possessed. 35C and they just showed an incredible energy, danced longer than men. Here these 2 women pretended to fight while dancing.
Some soldiers provided the rhythm while dancing around.
While I enjoyed the show and shooting pictures, though at the worst time of the day for the lighting and with a smartphone only, there was some more serious business going. The VIP’s were not here to enjoy the Christmas show but to discuss grave matters and to visit a burnt down village next door, the result of clashes between attacking rebels and defensive government troops. The VIP’s were nice and invited my copilot and me for a tour.
We travelled at a “considerable” speed in Cruisers like this. Quite fun to fly by the bush, off or on dirt tracks or water. I had chosen to stay out too, like these soldiers.
Not so funny was the sighting of a burnt down village. Huts were blackened, roofs had collapsed, many cars were wrecked, a lot of materials laid littered, walls were crushed, bullet impacts to be seen like through this poster, there was not one villager to be seen, a ghost village….as often women and children are the first victims
Another example was this burnt container which was full of school books! A sad scenery as a whole….
Back to camp, we had lunch…forget the Christmas cake and champagne. Soldiers and civilians were jolly, I was greeted with warmth I don’t know how many times.
And there was more dancing. I was thrilled to observe real dances and songs, not like on a Maasai tour in the Ngorongoro, which is a real booby trap for tourists.
This was the unusual peace message of the day, not quite a Christmassy one in style but close otherwise.
And I got these 2 stunning women posing for me.
I hope this girl like so many others will have a bright future.
After this day, I promised myself not to complain about the Congolese music concerts which will go on for 2 nights at my hotel…