Olivia and I left Murchison Falls, also locally called Kabarega falls, through a western gate, spent a night in a non descript place, Buliisa, after trying to spot the Nile delta where the Victoria Nile flows in lake Albert but Wanseko was flooded. And the next day we drove to Butiaba,also on the shore of lake Albert. Not much there except for the old timers, "The African Queen" was partly shot here. And a ferry that, like in Murchison and Wanseko, was discontinued. No surprise and a bit irrelevant fact to us as we didn't plan to travel to Congo on the other side of the lake. And also on lake Tanganyika, Tanzania, for the big military boat scenes.
Oh and Hemingway was injured in a 2nd airplane crash here after being rescued from the first one in Murchison falls...

Here is a view of the lake from the escarpment...

Indeed the Nile went high up in this area too...

The irony considering some signs are about water projects...

The African art of packing but in this case we didn't smile. This car was the only example of some food
delivery we saw in the short time we stayed there. There are hardly no shop open and apparently not much help from agencies...

But a massive highway is under construction, apparently useless for now...

I often get reactions, positive and negative, from people when I shoot them. Here, nothing...people must have other things on their minds like relocating, salvaging what can be salvaged, feeding...

Whatever museum or good restaurant that might have been available in Butiaba quickly looked a wasted wish to us...

One of the sad view of the day...

Life goes on for the fishing people...

This is the end of the road ending short of the submerged harbor.

The recent higher water level is clearly visible on the wall.